The mental state of Donald Trump is shocking and here with us

mental state of Donald Trump

The mental state of  Trump is shocking. There is a stark dissonance between reality and what comes out of his mouth. One possibility, of course, is that he is just play acting, as he has been for a long time. Throwing people towards one direction and leaving the way that he wants to thread free for his army to march. That clearly appears to be the case with his “The people!” expression coming out of an anti-Batman quote in his innaugural speech. Perhaps popularly stronger wording than ” carnage”.
It is impossible that someone brought up in wealth, living at the top of Trump Tower, could empathize with inner city poverty. That can be only rethoric, of the most simple, false and basic type. What is most impressive, fascinating and frightening, is his intensity, power and precision. As he whispered into Melania’s ear as they walked into the ballroom to dance to My Way: “We did it”.
Donald Trump beat everybody. Democrats and Republicans. Of course it wasn’t so difficult, after all, making Americans swallow an old woman after a black man was a little too much for the polite and educated East Coast elite. But still, he beat them grabbing women by their pussies, marrying and going bankrupt multiple times, not paying taxes, and so on.
My medical interpretation is that Donald Trump’s apparent madness is due to testosterone. I think somebody gives him testosterone replacement, as is common and legal in Brazil and in Canada. I have seen women under testosterone replacement therapy; their behaviour is just the same; similar to bipolar disorder type I, perhaps a little more lucid. A couple of network reporters have started to mention that Donald Trump appears to be a young person with Attention Deficit Disorder, much the same clinical picture.

At the CIA on Saturday, the first operational presidential speech, Donald Trump mostly talked about himself, standing just in front of a monument to those fallen at wars that he has throughly avoided. That is the mental state of Trump. He said, candidly, that he feels young, as if he was 35 or 39, even though he is the oldest innaugural president. Then he went on to ramble on how he thought all the CIA people voted for him, and the military too, and how his choice for the CIA was so good. He never tried to mend the problem that he had created with CIA, the reason that made he go there for his first speech, the problem with the Russians that might impeach him.

The article in the Telegraph below mentions how high his testosterone level is, and the Mother Jones article has a Urologist discussing how strange it is to request this test in the USA, and why it would be ordered by his physician. Donald Trump, of course, should not have mentioned it in the interview. I have watched a tentative CNN interview of his personal physician, the New York gastroenterologist, 69 year old Harold Borstein, a very long-haired and long-time friend of Donald Trump. The interview was very aggressively  avoided by his wife, a much younger woman. It will be interesting to see how this will be managed by the mandatory care the military physicians will offer Donald Trump now. We will see whether the mental state of Trump becomes milder.

Dr Paulo Bittencourt

Why Did Trump Get His Testosterone Checked?