Personality traits may be inheritted or aquired during life

The 5 most characteristic psychological personality traits of women and man are described in the specialized literature as the OCEAN model: openness to experience (inventive/curious versus consistent/cautious) conscientiousness (efficient/organized versus extravagant/careless) extraversion (outgoing/energetic versus solitary/reserved) agreeableness (friendly/compassionate versus critical/rational) neuroticism (sensitive/nervous versus resilient/confident) The model is a grouping of psychological personality traits developed from the 1980s based on statistics of survey data in […]
Psychological personality traits in women and men

The 5 most characteristic psychological personality traits of women and man are described in the specialized literature as the OCEAN or the CANOE model: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. The model is a grouping of psychological personality traits developed from the 1980s based on statistics of survey data in the general population. The statistical model […]
The Successful countries out of the pandemic

Out of the pandemic is the dream of populations across all countries in the world at present. The following text has been taken from Our World in Data, the Oxford University work group, the reports of which are used for teaching and information worldwide. Coming out of the pandemic is what every country in the […]
pandemic and economy are tightly linked

The pandemic and the economy have been the object of intense political discussion. The following text is taken ipsis literis from the Oxford University based work group, Our World in Data, the reports of which are used for teaching at top universities in the world, and by the most progressive media internationally. Responses to the […]
CT perfusion imaging takes over the scene in acute stroke

CT perfusion imaging has entered the scene of those involved in the quest for decreasing the burden of stroke. Specifically, in the case of people that reach care more than 6h after they were last well, with large artery occlusions in the anterior circulation, involving the carotid and middle cerebral arteries. It has been calculated […]
Functional tremor and cognitive behavioral therapy

Functional tremor and functional movement disorders are a daily clinical problem. They are common and difficult to diagnose. They become even more difficult to manage, as many people do not accept or understand the functional nature of their problem. It is as if they prefered to have some complex disease, impossible to treat. Many come […]
Update on imaging of cerebral palsy and its variants

It has been know now for many years that the classical label “cerebral palsy” encompasses a heterogenous group of patients, many of whom have a vascular lesion acquired in the perinatal period as the origin of the neurological deficit. They had a stroke in the perinatal period, frequently involving the territory of the middle cerebral […]
Microangiopathy and cerebral small vessel disease

Small vessel disease – microangiopathy – was described pathologically in the 1960s, as involving penetrating arterioles, cappilaries, venules, which are <1mm in diameter. These vessels branch off the larger cerebral arteries and pial arterioles. The thicker the wall of these vessels are, the lesser is cerebral blood flow. The vascular tree of the brain, […]
The Insula and the brain seat of Mindfulness

Is there a relationship between the Insula and Mindfulness? One of the core tenets of Mindfulness is to heighten conscious awareness of the body in order to relate better with oneself and with the world in general. In general terms, it is similar to the core concepts on Cognitive behavior therapy, which indicate that you […]
Tonic seizures and their networks in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome

Apnoeic-tonic seizures are only one type of seizure presented by people with the Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. These are people with a variety of seizure types, including absences, tonic clonic, myoclonic seizures and drop attacks. Various of these seizure types are resistant to drug therapy. Patients are as a rule on various drugs in high doses. Apnoeic-tonic […]