Transplant-related procedures

esclerose múltipla pediátrica

DIMPNA has carried out over 100 procedures of mobilization of autologous hematologic stem cells Fo the therapy of immune inflamatory diseases, first as na isolated case in 1997 published in 2005 in Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, then routinely after 2005 as published in the journal Multiple Sclerosis. The effect may be very positive and change the natural history of the disease, as is well known internationally. The first case has almost 20 years of follow up, possibly the longest available in the Field of multiple sclerosis or autoimmune disorders. The treatmente consists in a high dose of the same chemotherapy used in routine periodic pulse therapies used in immune diseases for decades. The history and science of these forms of treatment are explained in detail and backed up by extensive bibliography in the ebook Sklera and Chimera, at The name pre-transplant is frequently used among our own team to describe the stem cell mobilization procedure because it is extremely similar to the procedure used to collect stem cells from the peripheral blood of patients undergoing autologous bone marrow transplantation for a variety of diseases, including immune and oncological disorders.