Electroencephalography – Brain Mapping – Sleep Studies

These are the techniques included in the speacialty of Clinical Neurophysiology. The EEG is indicated classically in the evaluation of patients with epilepsy. Dimpna – Unidade de Neurologia Clínica introduced most of the techniques of digital video-electroencephalography, including digital electrocorticography, in Brazil and the developing world, in the early 1990s. We have the longest experience in the country in the use of EEG in behavioral disorders and in the evaluation of the pharmacological treatment of psychiatric diseases. The EEG is also indicated in the investigation of patients with loss of consciousness, headache, problems in neurological and behavioral development, and in psychiatric diseases, to isolate the effect of drugs, structural and functional disease. Our technique of brain mapping in the diagnosis of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease (Sandmann MC, Piana ER, Sousa DS, de Bittencourt PRM. Eletrencefalograma digital com mapeamento em demência de Alzheimer e doença de Parkinson: estudo prospectivo controlado. Arquivos de Neuro Psiquiatria 54: 50-56, 1996), was recently given support by a number of international papers because of its pioneering status.

The technique of intermittent photic stimulation used in the clinic is that of Dorothée Kasteleijn Trenité, from Holland. It is the most comprehensive and uses Grass stimulator. The following formats of EEG are available:

  • EEG: awake, sleep, photic stimulation, brain mapping
  • Video-EEG ( prolonged)
  • Sleep Studies including Multiple Sleep Latency Test
  • Sleep study for CPAP and BPAP pressure control