Opioid analgesics crisis and medical associations
The opioid analgesics crisis is disturbing not only the US population but medical sssociations, manufacturers and drugstore chains. Back in the 90’s, manufacturers reassured the medical community that patients would not become addicted to prescription opioid pain relievers, and healthcare providers began to prescribe them at greater rates. This led to widespread misuse of these medications, […]
Treatment of Rett syndrome with trofinetide
The development of treatment of Rett syndrome with Trofinetide (NNZ-2566) is welcome. It is a drug developed by Neuren Pharmaceuticals that acts as an analogue of the neuropeptide (1-3) IGF-1, which is a simple tripeptide with sequence Gly-Pro-Glu formed by enzymatic cleavage of the growth factor IGF-1 within the brain. Trofinetide has anti-inflammatory properties and […]
Intracranial hemorrage, aspirin and methamphetamine
Intracranial hemorrage is the most malignant form of stroke, always one of the top mortality causes in statistics anywhere. Low dose aspirin is widely used for the prevention of cerebral ischemic disease, both for secondary and primary prevention, that is, in people who have or have not had an initial ischemia. But frequently it is […]
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and METHYLPHENIDATE final review
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is an epidemic behavioural problem in childhood in the Western world. Typically, parents and teachers come up with the idea that children have problems to pay attention, they are agitated, and improve with methylphenidate. Although this paradigm has been in place for half a century, the first systematic review of its benefits and harms […]
Topiramate, appetite, mood and tremor
A summary of the clinical pharmacology of topiramate and why it is not appropriate for people to use it without the supervision of a specialist
Immortal bias and the error in disease modifying clinical trials of multiple sclerosis
Many clinical trials lasting a few months or even a very few years may incur in a statistical error called the “immortal bias”, which may not have been made clear before the 21st century, even though it is relatively obvious. In the case of continuous therapies, it is not an intervention of a few months […]
low antiepilepsy drugs levels in babies of epileptic mothers
Houston – In a prospective study antiepilepsy drugs levels in women, reviewed by Dan Hurley of Neurology Today, being presented at the AES meeting on December 4th 2016, researchers found blood levels of antiepilepsy drugs in their breastfed infants to be either undetectable or well below the therapeutic range.”What we’ve been able to show is […]
testosterone replacement in man, women and smokers
The physiology of testosterone and its aromatised metabolite oestradiol, present in smaller quantities in the body.
Michael Jackson, lorazepam and propofol
I present here a piece of news on the death of Michael Jackson, which has not been available, to corroborate the fact explored in much longer detail in my book published in Portuguese Quando o erro médico é obedecer o paciente, available at www.amazon.com.br https://www.amazon.com.br/s/ref=nb_sb_noss/161-6104333-1203403?__mk_pt_BR=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=quando+o+%C3%AArro+m%C3%A9dico The fact is that the real problem was not the […]